test the gluten content of your beer

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Author: Zoe

Cantillon Gueuze Gluten Test

A classic gueuze from Cantillon lambic brewery in Brussels made from a blend of 1,2&3 year old lambic. They use a high proportion of wheat in the grist so this was always likely to have a high gluten content. The reason I tested is due to the different varieties of wild yeast and bacteria which ferment the beer, the theory being that they produce protein enzymes which might break down the gluten.

Beer: Cantillon Gueuze
Producer: Brasserie Cantillon
Originating country: Belgium
Brewing location: Belgium
Bottle size: 750 ml
Alcohol by volume: 5%
Ingredients: Barley malt, raw wheat, hops, water

Cantillon Gueuze Gluten Test

Test Kit: GlutenTox Home Kit

Tested with a threshold of 5 ppm. The limit of detection depends on the number of drops taken from the extraction solution, please find some more information here.

Test result: A red line appears on the right of the test stick ( T ). The red line indicates the presence of gluten equal to or above 5 ppm. The blue line on the left test area ( C ) is a control line and indicates that the extract/sample is suitable, the test has been performed correctly and all reagents are active. Even though this test is positive please note it is not a medical advice – see my facts page.

Lost & Grounded Keller Pils Gluten Test

This is the first test from Zoe:

A hoppy lager from a relatively new craft brewery in Bristol, UK. A very refreshing and tasty lager, very balanced, not too malt forward or sweet.

Beer: Keller Pils
Producer: Lost & Grounded Brewers
Originating country: UK
Brewing location: UK
Bottle size: 440 ml can
Alcohol by volume: 4.8%
Ingredients: Pilsner malt, hops, water, yeast

Lost and Grounded Keller Pils Gluten Test

Test Kit: GlutenTox Home Kit

Zoe tested with a threshold of 5 ppm. The limit of detection depends on the number of drops taken from the extraction solution, please find some more information here.

Test result: A faint red line appears on the right of the test stick ( T ). The red line indicates the presence of gluten equal to or above 5 ppm. The blue line on the left test area ( C ) is a control line and indicates that the extract/sample is suitable, the test has been performed correctly and all reagents are active. Even though this test is positive please note it is not a medical advice – see my facts page.

Lost and_Grounded Keller Pils Gluten Test


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