test the gluten content of your beer

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Author: Joe M

Carta Blanca Gluten Test

Another test from Joe:

Beer: Carta Blanca
Producer: Cervecería Cuauhtémoc Moctezuma
Originating country: Mexico
Brewing location: Mexico
Bottle size: 12 Oz. = approx. 330 ml
Alcohol by volume: 4.5%
Ingredients: –
Miscellaneous: Thanks for test, Joe!

Carta Blanca Guten Test Carta Blanca Guten Test

Test Kit: GlutenTox Home Kit

Joe tested with a threshold of 20 ppm. The limit of detection depends on the number of drops taken from the extraction solution, please find some more information here.

Carta Blanca Guten Test Carta Blanca Guten Test

Test result: There is no indication of the presence of gluten above 20 ppm. According to the instructions there should appear a clearly visible red test line on the right of the test area ( T ) to indicate the presence of gluten. The blue line on the left test area ( C ) is a control line and indicates that the extract/sample is suitable, the test has been performed correctly and all reagents are active. Even though this test is negative please note it is not a medical advice – see my facts page.

Balboa Ice & Atlas Gluten Test

After the first three Panama beer test results from Joe he provided two more. I didn’t know that Panama has such a variety of beer but hey the more we test the better we can decide for low gluten beers once we get the chance to get there. And maybe even people in Panama are also interested in the gluten levels of their beers as CD (Celiac Disease) or NCGS (Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity) wordwide grow dramatically. And this  is what Joe says about Balboa Ice and Atlas:

I brought a few beers home to test. Both Balboa Ice and Atlas Premium Lager test negative for gluten at 20ppm. Actually I put three drops in the Balboa Ice so definitely below 20ppm.

Beer: Balboa Ice
Producer: Cerveceria National, S.A.
Originating country: Panama
Alcohol by volume: 4.8%

Beer: Atlas Premium
Producer: Cerveceria National, S.A.
Originating country: Panama
Alcohol by volume: 3.8%

Balboa Ice Gluten Test Atlas Premium Gluten Test

Test Kit: GlutenTox Home Kit

Joe tested with a threshold of 20 ppm. The limit of detection depends on the number of drops taken from the extraction solution, please find some more information here.

Balboa Ice Gluten Test Balboa Ice Gluten Test Atlas Premium Gluten Test Atlas Premium Gluten Test

Test result: There is no indication of the presence of gluten above 20 ppm. According to the instructions there should appear a clearly visible red test line on the right of the test area ( T ) to indicate the presence of gluten. The blue line on the left test area ( C ) is a control line and indicates that the extract/sample is suitable, the test has been performed correctly and all reagents are active. Even though this test is negative please note it is not a medical advice – see my facts page.

Panama Balboa Soberana Gluten Test

Here come three test results from Panama beers in one post. Joe was so kind to provide me with the results from his recent Panama trip.

Panama Lager. Slight red line, barely visible at 20ppm.

Cerveza Soberana, similar result at 20ppm. Ever so slight red line.

Balboa Premium Classic Lager. Absolutely no sign of redline whatsoever at 20ppm. Will test this one again at 5ppm on next trip.

Panama Balboa Soberana Gluten Test

Beer: Panama Lager
Beer: Cerveza Soberana
Beer: Balboa Premium Classic Lager

Test Kit: GlutenTox Home Kit

Joe tested with a threshold of 20 ppm. The limit of detection depends on the number of drops taken from the extraction solution, please find some more information here.

Panama Gluten Test Soberana Gluten Test Balboa Gluten Test

Test result: There are three different test results. Panama is clearly positive, Soberano is positive but the test line is weaker than in the Panama test. Balboa is negative on 20 ppm. According to the instructions there should appear a clearly visible red test line on the right of the test area ( T ) to indicate the presence of gluten. The blue line on the left test area ( C ) is a control line and indicates that the extract/sample is suitable, the test has been performed correctly and all reagents are active. As always please don’t take any of the test results as a medical advice – see my facts page.

Bohemia Pilsner Gluten Test

Test provided by Joe from California:

I think it’s more of a quality Mexican beer with a crisp taste. It’s not my favorite but it’s definitely on of my top 5.

Beer: Bohemia Pilsner
Producer: Cervecería Cuauhtémoc Moctezuma
Originating country: Mexico
Brewing location: Mexico
Bottle size: 12 Oz. = approx. 330 ml
Alcohol by volume: 4.75%
Miscellaneous: Thanks for test, Joe!

 Bohemia Pilsner Gluten Test

Test Kit: GlutenTox Home Kit

Joe tested with a threshold of 20 ppm. The limit of detection depends on the number of drops taken from the extraction solution, please find some more information here.

bohemia_pilsner_gluten_test_002 bohemia_pilsner_gluten_test_003

Test result: There is no indication of the presence of gluten above 20 ppm. According to the instructions there should appear a clearly visible red test line on the right of the test area ( T ) to indicate the presence of gluten. The blue line on the left test area ( C ) is a control line and indicates that the extract/sample is suitable, the test has been performed correctly and all reagents are active. Even though this test is negative please note it is not a medical advice – see my facts page.

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