test the gluten content of your beer

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Mythos Gluten Test

As announced in my previous post this is the first test of Greek beer. Not much to say about this beer, average taste, easy to drink but not really my thing. But the purpose of this site is to test the gluten level and here you go:

Beer: Mythos
Producer: Mythos Brewery
Originating country: Greece
Brewing location: Greece
Bottle size: 0.33 l
Alcohol by volume: 5.0%
Ingredients: water, barley malt, hops, yeast (internet research as ingredients are listed in Greek on the bottle)

Mythos Gluten Test Mythos Gluten Test

Test Kit: Imutest Gluten-in-Food Kit

Test result: The test result is negative. According to the instructions there should appear a clearly visible pink test spot on the left of the test area ( T ) to indicate the presence of gluten. The pink spot on the right test area ( C ) is a control spot and indicates that the extract/sample is suitable, the test has been performed correctly and all reagents are active. Even though the detection limit in this kit is very low (1-2 ppm) and the test is negative please note this is not a medical advice – please see also my facts page.

Mythos Gluten Test


Amstel Gluten Test


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


  1. Davo

    I’m on holiday in Greece and as a coeliac,I’ve had no I’ll effects on Mythos. This is great news. Your website is soooo good. Thanks.

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      Hey Davo, thanks for the nice words. Enjoy your time in Greece! Cheers Steffen

    • Chris

      Hi Davo I’m in Greece at the moment and really in two minds about whether to take a chance on the Mythos! I’m coeliac as well and I could do without the tiredness and (ahem) toilet issues! Do you normally have a strong reaction if you get glutened? You reckon the Mythos is safe in your opinion?


      • Hannah

        Hi Chris – out of curiousity did you try the Mythos?

    • George

      Agreed thanks for the tip!

  2. Jen

    I am loving that I can drink this. I’ve had no reaction at all in a week (drinking it daily) after 6 years of a nasty reaction to any beer not specified gluten free.

  3. Graham

    I’m allergic to everything, so it seems. I have celiac disease. Even wine brings on skin sores. I’m in crete on holiday and I couldn’t find anything to drink. I Googled gluten free Greek beers. The mythos beer came up. I tried one at a time and got to three. Felt fine and no reaction. Had three the day after. Fine again. I’m so happy 😊

    • Avatar photo

      Hi Graham, good to hear you had no reaction. I had also no reaction when I was there and will spend my next holiday on Crete again. Cheers Steffen

    • Rebecca

      Hi, my husband is pleased about this!! Can you have Mythos in draught, cab and bottle? Or does this differ?
      Thank you

      • Avatar photo

        Hi Rebecca,

        Yes there might be a difference. Could be different brewing location or processes which could return different test results.

        Cheers Steffen

        • Tom Casey

          Brilliant site mate, in crete now taking a Mythos, excellent, no effects just good times. Looking for others to sample. Cheers Tom n Rie

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            Hi Tom, thanks for sharing your personal experience and that you had no effects.
            Cheers Steffen

            • Russell Smith

              Thanks for this. Enjoying one now in Skopelos. I thought it was a guilty treat but previously I have not had a reaction. So delighted to hear I can drink it!

  4. Steve

    Thanks for advice. I normally stick to wine in Greece but like lager. I’m coeliac and have been since the 1970s. Do you think bottled and can Mythos is the same ingredient? To reassure me thanks

    • Avatar photo

      Hi Steve, this is a long time being a coeliac and gf options were probably limited some decades ago.
      The ingredients should be the same but the brewing process can vary. I am not a brewing expert but can imagine that there are different processes for bottles and barrels.
      Cheers Steffen

      • Victoria Campbell

        Hello, so did you drink bottles and get no reaction or draught Steffen?

        • Avatar photo

          Hi Vic, I had the bottled Mythos. Cheers Steffen

        • Mancunian in Greece.

          Hi Steffen, thanks for this site, and for the test you did! I am not coeliac, but am very gluten intolerant after a gall bladder removal 7 years ago. I found you literally just after I’d ordered an Alpha beer on Kefalonia. I made sure the food was gf, and drank my first bottle of Alpha by way of a Guinea pig test. (Haven’t been able to drink beer in years, but really didn’t fancy wine or gin) Will report back tomorrow, safe in the knowledge that if it goes wrong, I can happily enjoy a cool bottle of Mythos instead!!

  5. Robert

    I moved to Crete and have been drinking Mythos often with no reaction to date. This is truly a wonderful find!

  6. Lynsey

    I enjoyed the mythos bottles in Greece with no reaction but had a can of it from Lydl and had a terrible reaction! Packaging wasn’t the same as the bottles so not sure if it was a different blend ? Have you tried the mythos ice bottles? Wonder if they’re gluten free also?

    • Avatar photo

      Hi Lynsey, by coincidence I am in Greece (Crete) right now. Would love to test Mythos Ice but run out of test kits.
      Re your question, yes brewing location can be different. Receipe is truly the same but the brewing process can vary and so the gluten content. Are you sure it was the beer and nothing else causing a reaction?
      Cheers Steffen

  7. Mel

    I thought that if your celiac you can’t have barley either so mythos would not be ideal but I’m also wanted to drink beer as lemon beer is my favorite

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      Hi Mel, I am diagnosed Coeliac and drink regular beer. All my check-ups were OK since I was diagnosed in 2011 or so. However, this is not a medical advice for everybody. It works for me and many other ‘normal’ Coeliacs. But there are some cases which react even on tiny amounts of gluten. If you are amongst them better stay away from barley containing beers. Cheers Steffen

  8. Aelfgyva

    To add to this feed: I’m in Greece and have been drinking Mythos most days. I’m not Coeliac but have a similar autoimmune condition and react badly to glutens. I’m very happy to report that Mythos agrees with me perfectly, and I’m generally a pretty accurate walking allergen alert!

  9. Simon


    Just returned from Stalis in Crete August 2022, i am Coeliac and drank Mythos all through my holiday with no effects at all.

    If anyone is interested they sell Mythos in bottles at B & M Bargins 👍

    Result ..

    Cheers Simon…

  10. Mancunian is n Greece

    Alpha was perfectly fine! Have switched to bottled Mythos, and all is well down there. It has made such a difference to my holiday, so thanks again. As a disclaimer, I ‘checked in’ with my intolerance before we left, in the shape of a particularly fine looking (very small) bread roll in a restaurant: It wasn’t pretty. Keep up the good work!

    • Avatar photo

      Hey Mancunian, thanks for the feedback and enjoy your remaining vacation in Greece!

      Cheers Steffen

    • Pete

      Hi there, how did you get on for the rest of the trip with drinking Alpha? Did you ever consume multiple bottles in the same day? Many thanks, Pete 🙂

  11. Pete

    Hi Steffen, thanks for the test results. Excited to start drinking some normal beers. Did you ever get around to testing Alfa beer in Greece?

    • Steve

      Was there any answer or followup to this ?

      • Ørjan Fyen

        Jeg har Cøliaki og har nå vært på Kreta en uke. Har drukket 3 til 4 Mythos hver dag. Og jeg er like frisk. Helt fantastisk. Leste om dette tidligere i sommer. Kjøpte inn 8 flasker og drakk en hver dag. Ble ikke syk.
        Hjemme har vi nå etterhvert fått mye bra glutenfritt øl. Men det er et problem i sydligere strøk. Flott at det finnes et godt alternativ i Hellas.

  12. j.q

    ok mythos is or can be seen as gluten free what about zythos vap is this gluten free or can bee seen as being so

  13. Kerri Whiteside

    Hi I am currently on holiday in Greece and have found this thread which I am very excited about because I am a coeliac and love beer!! Can I ask, is draught mythos okay?

  14. Kerri Whiteside

    Following up myself on my previous comment and having done some extensive first-hand research (aka I tried all the forms of Mythos beer- can, bottle and draft) I can confirm as a coeliac that I have had no problems at all drinking Mythos. I have drank every day for 8 days (only for the greater good of the community) and I’ve experienced no symptoms- in fact, it’s saved my 34C degrees trip around Greece. Enjoy!!

    • John

      Just returned from a 14 day holiday in Crete and Santorini. I normally have serious issues with Gluten in Beers. I was drinking a combination of Alfa and Mythos and glad to say, I had no reaction what so ever. This made for a very enjoyable vacation.

  15. William Weppler

    I have been diagnosed with celiac and have no noticable reaction to gluten intake but the blood test shows an overabundance of the enzyme which is related to gluten inteolerance, and the biopsy of my small intestine indicates a lot of damage to the villa of the small intestine, thereby not allowing the body to withdraw the necessary vitamins and minerals. My Dr has told me that any gluten intake will cause this damage, and continued intake can lead to a number of serious health issues (I have googled that and is true what he has told me). So, just because you do not react does not mean damage is not being done to your body. I am not a health expert by any means but just going by what I have researched and been told by my Gastrologist. You may want to ask your Dr’s. THx.

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      Hi William, if your blood test is positive it means you continued to take gluten (in whatever form) and this can of course damage – it’s just an assumption. And I just can give my experience as I live gf with the exception of drinking normal (barley containing) beer. But my blood test does not show anti-bodies (i.e. is negative) and my intestinal biopsy did not show any damage. No atrophy of the villi and no increase of intraepithelial T-lymphocytes.
      Of course all what is posted here is not to be taken as a medical advice. And in doubt better stay away from any beer and any gluten. For me it works and for a lot of others as well but as you can see not for everybody and I am sorry for you.

      Cheers Steffen

  16. Stephen

    Thank you for this. I’m in Greece now and while I haven’t been officially tested for a gluten intolerance, I suspect I do indeed have one. Going to give Mythos a try and see how I go.

    I’d love for you to test Birra Moretti which is quite popular now and my go to beer at home.

  17. Paul mc Donagh

    Hi am drinking mythos all week. In Crete.
    No reaction at all. And it’s a really nice beer

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