test the gluten content of your beer

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Gambrinus Gluten Test

Today I tested one of my favourite beers – Gambrinus from Pilsen (Plzen), Czech Republic. Gambrinus is the best selling beer in Czech Republic but also sold in Germany. It offers excellent value and has a nice smooth taste.

Beer: Gambrinus Premium
Producer: Plzesky Prazdroj
Originating country: Czech Republic
Brewing location: Czech Republic
Bottle size: 0.5 l
Alcohol by volume: 5.0%
Ingredients: water, barley malt, hops (translated from German)
Miscellaneous:  –

Gambrinus Gluten Test Gambrinus Gluten Test

Test Kit: Imutest Gluten-in-Food Kit

Test result: There is a clearly visible pink test spot on the left of the test area ( T ) which indicates the presence of gluten. According to the instructions a “very low gluten” level of 20 to 100 ppm should give a test spot which is weaker or similar in intensity to that of the control spot ( C ). But the test spot is a bit darker.

Gambrinus Gluten Test

Each test kit is a quality assay included which helps to interpret the result. There the intensity is scaled from 1 (barely visible) to 20 (dark red) whereas the control spot is estimated 6/7 (light pink). And as mentioned above this is the recommended level for very low gluten in the sample.

On a scale from 1 to 20 I would rate Gambrinus a 8/9 so it has a bit more than 100 ppm. Even though this test is positive please note it is not a medical advice – see my facts page.


Corona Gluten Test


Poll: Which beer do you want me to test next?


  1. Jerry Stone

    I happen to have tasted, sold a many of Czech beers. Gambrinus … although the most popular sold via sales doesn’t say much about its quality. Its pretty poor compared to most of others. Do a test on Primator, Bernard (unfiltered), Herold, ….. hell even Urquell would be more interesting to me!!

  2. Steffen

    Hi Jerry, you are right there are other good/excellent beers in Czech Rep. I personally like Budweiser (the original Budweiser from CZ which is different to the American one) and will surely test this beer as well on the level of gluten. Urquell is also good but comes from the same brewery like Gambrinus. But the intention of this site is not to discuss the beer quality but the level of gluten beer contains.

  3. Petr

    I am a celiac from the Czech Republic, so I have a bit of experince with this. Czech pale lagers typically don’t give me much of a reaction. In theory, the relatively low gluten content of barley and bottom-fermenting should get the resulting levels quite low. In practice, the mass pruduction of beers like Gambrinus (especially the export modifications) makes comprimise in the brewing process – I don’t really think it normally gets as high as 100 ppm, which is typical rather for wheat, top-fermented beers, but who knows, it may vary.
    Many years ago I’ve read a study (which I unfotunalety can’t find anymore) showing that the original Pilsner unintentionally goes around 25 ppm, just by doing the brewing right.and thoroughly.

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      Hi Petr,
      Thanks a lot for your feedback. The personal experience is always the best indicator. Whatever we test here if you feel good then it’s OK.

      I agree that the majority of the Pilsner beers (no matter if from Czech Rep. or elsewhere) have very low gluten. Any yes it may vary – you are absolutely right, the same beer tested on another day from another lot can give a different result. Gambrinus used to be one of my favourite beers so I do suffer a bit from my own test result 🙁

      Coincidentally I plan the next beer poll with Czech beers: Budweiser (Czech Original), Staropramen (Prague’s favourite) and the mother of all Pilsner beers Pilsner Urquell. Stay tuned 🙂

      Cheers Steffen

  4. Lisa M

    I have been drinking Corona for awhile now.I have biopsy confirmed Celiac. I have never had any problems with it.
    But I see Miller light is gluten free!
    So excited to buy myself a 40!!!!

  5. Glen

    These results were linked to Guiness from your test table. Would like to see the explanation of the results for Guiness. Cheers

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