I recently had a chat with Karlo, a gluten intolerant visitor of my website from the Netherlands, who came up with the idea of testing beers in professional laboratories with professional methods, like the Competitive or Sandwich ELISA test. Compared to the home test kits we use there could benefits in getting certified results and have comparable results to the tests we made already. There is of course controversy which test method (e.g. Competitive vs. Sandwich vs. Lateral Flow Trough) or antibody (Skerritt vs. R5 vs. G12) is the best. However, the more and the more professional we test the better results we get. And now the downside: the costs are very high: between 100-110 USD (85-95 EUR) per beer per test. Nutrilab in the NL offer such services: https://www.nutrilab.nl/en
Below you find a vote on whether you would be willing to donate money for tests and what would be your limits.
In case of a positive result of the vote we can start some sort of crowdfunding and collect a certain amount of money to be used for the tests. We don’t know yet how to decide on the beer to be tested – most likely per vote again.
Please note, this is a non-profit site and non-profit idea. All the money would be used for tests. Use the comment function for discussions.
How much money would you donate for professional beer tests on gluten?
- Between 10 and 25 USD (38%, 25 Votes)
- Less than 10 USD (20%, 13 Votes)
- Nothing (17%, 11 Votes)
- More than 50 USD (14%, 9 Votes)
- Between 25 and 50 USD (11%, 7 Votes)
Total Voters: 65

Poll closed
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