test the gluten content of your beer

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100 Gluten Tests

100 Gluten Tests lowgluten.org

With the previously released Rothaus Pils Gluten Test we conducted the 100th test on beer. Thanks to all contributors to make it happen.

We have tested 91 beers in total, a number of them more than once and partly with both available test kits, hence the difference in conducted tests vs. number of beers we tested.

Here are some statistics: 65 of the tests were completed with the GlutenTox Home kit from Biomedal and 35 with Imutest’s Gluten-in-Food kit. We tested beer from 24 different countries – most of them from Germany. Please find a table with all countries at the bottom of this post (click on Read More). The tests were done by eight people, seven male and one female – I am really thankful for the contribution of these guys.

Well, it’s now time for me to let loose. I will not stop posting results but I will focus on different things. So far I always tried to post at least one test per month but from now on I will just post from time to time. Next goal is the achievement of 100 tested beers but as I said I will not push to achieve this. It comes when it comes. I will keep the site alive of course as the number of gluten sensitive people or people with CD is still growing as well as the number of visitors grows. Your donations will help to keep the lights on and contributors are always welcome.

Cheers Steffen

91 tests with beer from 24 countries:

Country Tests completed
Germany 19
USA 13
Australia 10
Japan 7
Panama 5
Belgium 4
Mexico 4
Netherlands 4
Spain 4
Czech Republic 3
Austria 2
China 2
Denmark 2
United Kingdom 2
Argentina 1
Canada 1
Greece 1
India 1
Indonesia 1
Ireland 1
New Zealand 1
Poland 1
Romania 1
Singapore 1

A list with all test results can be found here (click or tap on the link).


Rothaus Pils Gluten Test


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


  1. Dogbite Williams

    Thank you for all of your time and effort.

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      Hi D.W.,

      Thanks for being a loyal visitor and friend over all the years. Without the visitors comments and suggestions my site would be just dull. You are the cherry on the cake – or to translate it to beer: you are the frothy foam on the top of the beer 😉

      Cheers Steffen

      • Simon

        This is such a life savior this website! Regular visitor at this point.

        In terms of suggestions. I’d be interested to see what Brouwerij ijwit beer contains. Up and coming Dutch beer that has gotten very popular quickly.

        Regardless, thank you for doing all of this! 🙂


  2. Leslie Carter

    Well done Steffen, you have helped us all. Good luck for your future investigations.

  3. craig liddle

    I have just come across this fantastic site. Thankyou Steffen and the contributers for the information and hard work. I didnt realise these test kits existed (Coeliac since 2013). I will be buying some tests and doing a few experiments of my own and will send you my results (uk beers). I have always suspected that the levels of gluten in different beers were dependent on the ingredients and brewing process and this site confirms it! Steffen – do you think there is a slight pattern emerging where the lighter tasting lagers (usually very clear/filtered and mass produced) don’t contain as much gluten as the darker/richer tasting beers?

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      Hi Craig, in fact there is a pattern. The lighter the beer the less gluten it normally contains. Also filtered beer has less gluten than unfiltered beers and maltier, darker beers tents to have more gluten. Unfortunately mass production beers contain less gluten than craft beers. This is because of the brewing process and filtration method they use. Large breweries use diatomaceous earth for instance to filter their beers.

      Once you have tested your favourite beers please send me pinctures of the beer, the labels etc. and I can post the results here.

      Cheers Steffen

    • Adam from Adelaide, Australia

      Hi Craig
      My experience is that all lagers are fine to drink.
      Lagers, including pilsners, use a different strain of yeast compared to ales, wheat beers and stouts. Lager yeasts work at much colder temperatures, for a longer time and are bottom fermenting. Ale yeasts are top fermenting at higher temperatures and act quickly.
      I drink any lager I see including unfiltered lagers (my Lobethal Bierhaus test) and dark malt lagers (eg. Asahi Dry Black and a few from my local breweries).
      Some companies use Brewers Clarex to reduce gluten in beers, including ales. They always seem fine too.
      Like many here I have regular health check-ups. I had mine recently, and the doctor was very happy with my results. I’ve told him how I drink lagers, but am extremely careful to not eat food containing gluten. He said to continue what I’m doing.

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        Fantastic Adam. Likewise, no gluten in food, regular beer and check-ups are fine. Cheers Steffen

  4. Adam from Adelaide, Australia

    Congratulations and thank you Steffen for all your time, effort and enthusiasm just so that we coeliacs can once again enjoy real beer.

  5. Prodigy24

    I read this several times if I miss a link. I was waiting for a list of brands an test result, what a useless post.

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      Hi Prodiy24, good idea I have added the link with all test results to the post. The list is also always be available through the navigation under Test Results.

      Cheers Steffen

  6. Mike B

    Hi Steffen,

    Amazing work! So incredibly helpful.

    Do you tend to drink less beer than before you were diagnosed Celiac? I was just diagnosed, and was wondering if I should avoid the nights where I have 7-10 beers. I’ve been drinking beer and eating gluten my whole life with seemingly no symptoms. I only got tested because an immediate family member tested positive.

    Again, terrific work!

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      Hi Mike, thanks for the kind words.
      Actually what you describe is what happened to many of us Celiacs. There are Celiacs who can cope with gluten better than others. Hence, my focus is on low gluten beers and not gluten free beers (e.g. made from sorghum).
      I don’t drink less beer only because of my diagnose. I mean I stopped eating Pizza and cake and wonderful German bread but I didn’t want to give up proper beer.

      Cheers Steffen

      • Mike B

        Great information, and thank you for the reply.

        I’m wondering…are there more updated homemade gluten tests and have you planned on doing more recent tests on these beers? I see most tests are done 5-8 years ago, so was curious if a) there are new methods of testing and b) if the breweries adjusted their formula.

        Certainly not looking to add more work for you! Just curious.

        Cheers from Canada, good sir. The most helpful website I’ve come across.

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          Hi Mike, you are absolutely right, all the tests are just snapshots. Recipes, brewing processes, brewing locations etc. can change and so can return a totally different test result.
          I stopped testing recently, will keep the site alive as long as I can and post tests from contributors.

          Cheers Steffen

          • Eetu

            Oh no.
            I just found this site and after being overcome with joy that someone is doing this i stumble on your post saying you are stopping testing. Oh life is cruel. I hope other contributors can keep this site alive, because I’m a beer lover and sick of drinking the 3 gluten free lagers the Finnish celiac association considers gluten free.

  7. John larsen

    Please continue! For the first time in many years I’m having beers again, your website gave me the confidence.

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