test the gluten content of your beer

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Grolsch Kanon Gluten Test

Grolsch is Dutch brand by Bierbrouwerij de Klok, one of the larger Dutch brewers in the Mid east of the Netherlands. Grolsch Kanon is a very alcohol heavy Dutch beer. I tested it because I sometimes drank it before my coeliac diagnosis in 2011. I like it a lot so sometimes i like to drink just one of them. That’s the reason why I tested at 20 ppm: I have no intention in drinking more than one at one time.

Grolsch Kanon is a beer with double fermentation. It is a beer with high level alcohol: 11.6%. The taste is full: sweet and fruity.

Beer: Grolsch Kanon
Producer: Koninklijke Grolsch N.V.
Originating country: Netherlands
Brewing location: Netherlands
Bottle size: 30 cl
Alcohol by volume: 11.6%
Ingredients: water, barley malt, glucose syrup, hops
Miscellaneous: ingredients translated from Dutch

Grolsch Kanon Gluten Test Grolsch Kanon Gluten Test

Test Kit: GlutenTox Home Kit

I tested with a threshold of 20 ppm. The limit of detection depends on the number of drops taken from the extraction solution, please find some more information here.

Grolsch Kanon Gluten Test

Test result: There is no indication of the presence of gluten above 20 ppm. According to the instructions there should appear a clearly visible red test line on the right of the test area ( T ) to indicate the presence of gluten. The blue line on the left test area ( C ) is a control line and indicates that the extract/sample is suitable, the test has been performed correctly and all reagents are active. Please don’t take any of the test results as a medical advice – see the facts page.


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  1. Avatar photo

    Thanks for the test, Willy! I guess one of this is enough for an evening considering the high alcohol content.

    Cheers Steffen

  2. Willy

    One is is enough for shure Steffen 🙂

    Grtz Willy

  3. Lester

    That is a serious drink, highest abv I have seen in a beer, not seen it on the market in Australia, have to look in Dan Murphys which are our big liquor stores.

    Thanks again Steffen for continuing your great work.

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