test the gluten content of your beer

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Poll: Which American light beer do you want me to test next?

Please vote below which American light beer do you want me to test next on the level of gluten. You can choose from these three famous American light beers:

Michelob Ultra: #9 of America’s best selling beers of 2012
Miller Lite: #4 of America’s best selling beers of 2012
Coors Light: #2 of America’s best selling beers of 2012

Which American light beer do you want me to test next?

  • Coors Light (39%, 25 Votes)
  • Miller Lite (36%, 23 Votes)
  • Michelob Ultra (25%, 16 Votes)

Total Voters: 64

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Poll American Light Beer Gluten TestPoll closed on 24/01/2014.


Guinness Gluten Test


Coors Light Gluten Test


  1. Avatar photo

    Coors Light is the winner of this poll. I am going to test it and most likely drink it on Friday, the 31st so I can post the result on the 1st of February. Looking forward to testing this beer, never tried it before.

  2. Heather

    Thanks for this site – really excited to try some of these beers. The hardest part of going gluten free for me was giving up beer. One that I love and doesn’t give me symptoms is Mill Street Organic (canada).

    • Avatar photo

      Hi Heather, thanks for your feedback. I agree and that’s why I started this website. I already have to eat GF bread and pasta and pizza and whatever. But with beer it is more emotional and the GF labelled beers are mostly horrible. And my tests so far showed that a number of these ‘normal’ beers also have below 20 ppm as the widely accepted GF threshold.
      Interesting to hear about Mill Street Organic, I often have people who don’t react on certain beers and this is how everyone should try it. From Canadian beers I plan to test Moosehead. But before I will test some more German beers, stay tuned.

  3. Jacquie

    Also a Canadian beer lover! Love this site! Any chance you have a techy friend who could help you turn it into an app? It would go viral pdq!

  4. Lisa

    Did you test Coors Light yet? I don’t see it. Thank you for testing these beers 🙂

    • Lisa

      Nevermind, I went right past it. I see it…. Could you do Michelob Ultra next? I love that beer!

      • Avatar photo

        Hi Lisa, You made a good point. In the polls I should always insert a link to the test results as many people reach the polls over search engines. Will do so thanks for the advice. And yes Michelob Ultra is on my list but next is another famous American beer – stay tuned 🙂

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